CSV_CMD is a powerful tool for working with CSV files that integrates ai, pattern matching, editing, file converter and automatic formatting of CSV files. The program can work with both files and file links. Below is a detailed guide on how to use CSV_CMD.
On start page you have to buttons Import & Export.
This page is for files that should go to Her-age shopify. Here you can see all feead's with their control elements & button that will put your files into export or aggregate links.
Name of import feed is randomly generated.
You can click on copy button to save name of the feed in buffer or delete button to delete feedline from list.
Next you can see dropdown filter with checkboxes, config button & flags.
Config button is opening configuration of the feed page. Here you can modify your feed columns with some cool functions as "plus formula", "eject value" & etc.
Some of them are only for "Prices" like round, "Conditional percentage".
Some features are working atomaticly for TBC feed. EX: auto copy prices to variant compare at price & use formula of conditional percentage like >2000+34%&<2000+37%, auto del of empty img src positions & more. It's recommended to use manual edit on feeds added as file but also you can edit link connected files.
In any edit case use Save button. Only delete column and add column features use autosave.
This indicators show you how many positions are "Green" (all ok), "Yello" (have less then one epmty colum) & red (have more then one empty columns). Click on it and you can see confilike table interface of this positions & edit. But the best way is edit them from configuration page.
You can dowload feed by file or by link (EX: send to your matrixify app on Shopify).
Feeds added by "+Link" button are autoupdatable. Every 6 hours program upd all linked files from Import page and set comparing positions & their SKU's. If some feed is not listed in update list it mean that this feed is DELETED from partner list & this position go to Status: draft, Variant QTY: 0, Price & Variant Price will be "" & published: False automaticly. To add feed into Export page checkboc it & click aggregate button. If origin file is xlsx it's no problem for csv_cmd. Automaticly it converts file into csv.
In export page you can see expoted to partners feedlines and edit them.
First part of feed menu has such buttons as "Copy feed name", "Delete", "Clone" & "Rename"
Next you can see creation timestamp of current file creation & functionall buttons.
Works same as Import config and has same features. You can edit your CSV, combine column data by plus formula and etc.
You can dowload your Export feed as file or copy link and share it with your partner.
Current version: 2.0.0
GitHub: https://github.com/her-age/HER-AGE-AI-DASHBOARD API & backend - https://api.her-age.web-f.by Web - https://her-age.web-f.by Shopify - CSV_CMD custom app
This program is made for Her-age by Web Focus using Node.js, Typescript, Fastify, Next.js, Remix & Shopify CLI/API
In any case of bugs or problems contact Web Focus manager.
Anna - previous PM; Veronika - current PM; Anastasia - previous sales & account manger; Karolina - current sales & account manager.
Denis (https://github.com/Denisyasyuchenya) - The backend part, Shopify app, design & 70% of web interface; Dmitry (https://github.com/Asindeton) - Configuration & flag layout speed increase modernization, improvments & refactoring; Tatiana (https://github.com/margarizfrog) - Refatoring & bugfix of frontend part; Evgeny (https://github.com/Gintheman) - TBC project autoupdate draft idea, refactoring & bug fixing; Evgeny (https://github.com/Jeka-anik) - Project Dev-ops part.